Everyone across the country is looking at holidays, unlike anything we’ve seen before. Those living in temporary housing have an added opportunity for creativity and thinking outside the box to make unforgettable memories this year. Iron Guard Housing has all the amenities for those living in Pecos, Texas, man camps to have a wonderful holiday. Here are some suggestions to celebrate time-honored traditions and celebrations with our loved ones even while living in workhouse housing.
Follow Safety Precautions
This year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has given those in the United States suggestions and guidelines for celebrating the holidays. They indicate the safest way to enjoy the holiday is with just those in your household. For those in corporate housing, that can be a lonely meal. However, celebrations can still be safe dining with those not living with you in your Pecos man camp. Here are some of CDC’s suggestions:
- Wear a mask with two or more layers when not eating or drinking.
- Keep 6 feet apart from others not in your household.
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
- Bring your own food, drinks, plates, cups, and utensils.
- Avoid the kitchen where the food is being prepared or handled.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- If indoors, open windows.
- Try to use single-use options, like plastic utensils.
For a complete list of recommendations from the CDC, click here.
H2: Create Recipe Challenges
The CDC recommends each guest bring their own food. Eating your own food might not seem like a fun way to eat dinner together. One idea to make the meal more entertaining, whether eating together or virtually, is to give every household the same list of ingredients and see what dishes they come up with. You can even hold a friendly competition to see who made a green bean casserole that looks the most delicious. Iron Guard Housing offers full kitchens in each unit, giving each resident a chance to show off their culinary skills.
Be Alone Together
If having people over isn’t an option while living in a man camp in Pecos, Texas, you still don’t have to be alone for your holidays. Iron Guard Housing has WiFi, internet access, and flat-screen TVs. You can still enjoy the football game with your buddies. Set up a video conferencing call or even just a phone call so that you can all watch the game on TV while chatting with each other. If you aren’t near your family or loved ones, create a virtual dinner table and take turns sharing what you are grateful for. Technology is a wonderful tool to help us feel close to those who are far away. Iron Guard has the best amenities housing in Pecos has to offer.
While no one is spending the holidays the way we expected to, no matter where we live, we can spend it reflecting on the gratitude we feel for what we do have. Iron Guard Housing has all the amenities you need for a safe and fun holiday celebration.